What do you do on a Saturday night when you’re battling a severe case of Vertigo and boredom? Create a scrappy drunkards path quilt hanging of course.

With all joking aside, the Vertigo is really starting to get to me. I have been dealing with it for months and my Dr. has prescribed medication for it, which helps, but doesn’t make it go away. I will be starting Physical Therapy in March, which was the soonest they could get me in to try and treat it. I pray that they can get this under control, because it is hard to basically do anything when you’re always dizzy. This includes walking in the mall. If you know anything about me, you know how much I love to shop! This stuff is driving me crazy!
Alright, enough about me! Let’ talk about quilting. I was bored and since I have unfinished space on my walls, I figured I would make something for the empty wall behind me where I record my YouTube videos. I wasn’t sure what I was going to use, so I just pulled some random fat quarters and fabric that I had in my stash. I was actually kind of worried because the fabrics that I chose didn’t go together at all. But I thought, “what the heck,” so I decided to give it a try.
Why am I rambling? Anyway, to make a long story short, I used my AccuQuilt Go BIG to cut the pieces out. The Drunkards Path die was new to me, as my husband bought it for me for Christmas. I just hadn’t had the time to open it up and use it. Well…I’m glad I finally did because it was so easy and turned out amazing. I cut 6 layers of each piece at one time. All perfectly cut! I absolutely love my AccuQuilt! It is one of the Best things that I have ever purchased for myself. If you have ever considered getting one, I highly recommend it. It makes cutting so much easier and faster and allows you more time to sew.
If you are interested in purchasing an AccuQuilt, click the link below.
Here is what I put together. I literally took me an hour to cut and sew the entire thing together. I’m not finished with it, but an hour to cut, piece and press is pretty impressive and honestly, since my Vertigo was in full swing, an hour was about all that I could handle.

I love the pattern this creates. There is so much going on in this block. I did cut mine down to 13” blocks, so it is perfect wall hanging size. I’m wanting to add a border, but I will need to play with it, because sometimes less is more and that might be the case with this one since it is so busy.
If you are interested in purchasing the Drunkards Path Die, you can get it here: http://shrsl.com/24gwr
Please note that if you purchase through any of my links that I will make a small commission as these are affiliate links and I am an affiliate. I always appreciate your support as it helps me to purchase items for tutorials and upgrade equipment I use to teach you new techniques. 🙂
That’s all I have for now. Check back on my YouTube channel. I am considering making this as a tutorial. Happy Quilting! Keep on Craftin’!
Peace, Love and Happiness,
#drunkardspath #drunkardspathquilt #accuquilt #accuquiltdrunkardspath #thecraftyauthor #wallhanging #scrapquilt #quiltinfluencer #socialmediainfluencer #keeponcraftin #howto